Road Safety & Health
Driving is a serious responsibility with physical and mental abilities impacting on the driving abilities of drivers. It is important that the health of drivers be addressed by the Department of Transport, transport companies and road safety strategies.
Commitment by the National Department of Transport
The Department of Transport has recognized the health of drivers as an important element of road safety.
The National Department of Transport, in partnership with the Swedish National Road Administration (SWEROAD), have in the past 2 years focused on many aspects of road safety, including the importance of the link between driver health and road safety.
Although limited empirical evidence is available to prove the impact of HIV/AIDS on road safety – this link certainly exists. HIV Positive drivers suffer from aids related symptoms such as fatigue, loss of concentration and weakness from severe wasting. When the negative effects of anti-retroviral treatments like dizziness and nausea are added it becomes evident that road safety will be compromised.
Strategies in combating HIV/AIDS and the impact thereof on road safety
Research has shown that out of a study amongst 320 truck drivers, 60% have suffered from a sexually transmitted infection in a six-month time frame. These challenges facing the transport industry have been discussed in detail at a recent conference. Several strategies have been devised to promote road safety in the midst of HIV/AIDS by integrating HIV/AIDS awareness with the National Arrive Alive Campaign and by stepping up awareness efforts to taxi, bus and truck drivers as well as traffic officials. It has been decided that combined efforts will be made to secure universal access to prevention, care and 24/7 for all health factors like TB, Malaria, Diabetes and Hypertension- not just HIV/ AIDS.
Fleetwatch / Engen Petroleum / Learn about your health
The developers of the arrive alive web site commends both Fleetwatch and Engen Petroleum for their commitment to road safety. Engen and Fleetwatch have released a comprehensive driver health booklet containing all the topics that have been addressed during the Learn about your Health promotional campaign. Fleetwatch has kindly provided permission to share this very important information with the public via the arrive alive web site.
Also, visit the following sections:
Health Precautions and Safe Travel
Medical Incidents and Road Crashes
Back Pain and Safety on the Road
Eyesight and Safety on the Road