Schoolbus and Road Safety
![]() SCHOOL BUS SAFETY RULES The United States has a highly organized public transport system in many of the states and millions of school children are transported daily to and from schools. Although our transport systems differs significantly it is important to be aware of many of the lessons learnt in the US and to benefit from their experiences. The following are information on school bus safety rules that are applied in the Unites States: -::- Statistical Information of School Bus Accidents in The Unites States -::- For some 22 million students in the US, the school day begins and ends with a trip on a school bus. Unfortunately, each year many youngsters are injured and several are killed in school bus incidents. School bus related crashes killed 164 persons and injured an estimated 18,000 persons nationwide in 1999, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and General Estimates System (GES). Over the past six years, about 70% of the deaths in fatal school bus related crashes were occupants of vehicles other than the school bus and 20% were pedestrians. About 4% were school bus passengers and 2% were school bus drivers. Of the pedestrians killed in school bus related crashes over this period, approximately 77% were struck by the school bus. Of the people injured in school bus related crashes from 1994 through 1999, about 44% were school bus passengers, 9% were school bus drivers, and another 43% were occupants of other vehicles. Although drivers of all vehicles are required to stop for a school bus when it is stopped to load or discharge passengers, children should not rely on them to do so. -::- The Dangers of School Bus Travel -::- Although this is regarded as safe transport there are certain dangers , particularly before and after riding the bus. It is important to remind children about safety on the street and on the school bus. Elementary school children in particular are at high risk of being hit by a car when crossing the street because they:
Making matters worse, there is an increase in the number of pre-school children being sent to school programs on school buses. -::- Safety Hints -::- Parents are encouraged to teach their youngsters these rules for getting on and off the school bus:
It is also suggested that parents review with their children the correct way to cross the street.
If students' vision is blocked by a parked car or other obstacle, they should move out to where drivers can see them and they can see other vehicles -- then stop, and look right-left-right again. Also visit the following sections: |