Arrive Alive

Road Safety and the K53 Learner’s & Driver’s Test


Informed and knowledgeable drivers are safer drivers! Research has shown that up to 85% of road traffic crashes can be attributed to driver error. There are either “error” or not obeying the Rules of the Road.
On the Arrive Alive website and through a variety of road safety blogs and insurance related blogs we strive to share important advice and suggestions on how to be safer on the roads. This also includes several FAQ’s and answers provided by our Experts. On Learner Licensing our expert is Gavin Hoole from the K53 Website.
“This K53 website is a private initiative by Gavin Hoole, author of South Africa’s biggest-selling preparation manuals since the nineteen eighties for both the learner’s licence and driving licence tests, and a listed independent Expert at”
Assistance in Preparing for the K53 Test with South Africa’s No. 1 K53 Test CD
Assistance received from Gavin in answering many of the questions from Learners has motivated us to also share with readers another tool to assist them in preparing themselves for the K53 Test.
The Topscore ™ K53 Learner’s & Driver’s Test Success Interactive CD covers all the test requirements the South African National Road Traffic Act and Regulations for the Learner’s Licence test and the official K53 driving test – plus bonus sections to help you enjoy a long and happy life on our roads.
This interactive K53 CD is for use with a computer, and covers:
  • Light motor vehicles
  • Heavy motor vehicles
  • Motorcycles
See below video for a demo
Also available as a FREE-TRIAL DOWNLOAD
Learner’s Licence test
Everything you need to know to prepare for the official test
Study manual plus reference material
  • All the test requirements
  • How you’ll be tested and marked, and pass marks required
  • Comprehensive preparation manual to learn from – in easy-to-understand language
  • All the rules of the road, road signs, signals and markings
  • National Road Traffic Act excerpts for reference purposes
Test your knowledge
  • Question bank of over 1,000 questions
  • Unlimited number of practice tests
  • Performance and readiness reports to see if you’re ready for the official test
K53 Driving Licence test
  • How the K53 test is conducted and scored
  • The pre-trip vehicle inspection requirements — everything you need to check in front of the examiner
  • Full explanation of the K53 elements and procedures you must follow during all aspects of the driving test
  • Every yard test manoeuvre explained step-by-step, including illustrations
  • All the requirements for each road test situation — exact sequences you must follow
  • On-screen animations so you can see the manoeuvres in action
  • The same kind of information specifically for the motorcycle test
BONUS: Additional useful information
Untold rules about right of way and other important points
The guiding principles for driving
Vehicle maintenance, buying and insuring
Own the Topscore K53 Test Success software
Top South African learner and driver training experts and the Number One UK learner driver software (well over 2 million users) have teamed up to bring you the most comprehensive learner driver preparation pack.
Join the millions who have passed with the help of the creators of this pack.
Click here to DOWNLOAD the Essentials Edition with FREE TRIAL
Computer requirements: Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
CPU type & speed: Pentium lll 450 MHz or equivalent
Hard drive space: 120 MB
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible, 1024x768 24-bit colour
CD-ROM speed: 4x or faster
Audio: DirectX 9 compatible
Printer: Optional
Internet access: Optional (but required for product registration)
Other: Internet Explorer 6 or higher

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