Arrive Alive

Road Rage: 10 Point Plan to Prevent Road Rage


  1. Forget work or home worries, concentrate on driving.
  2. Plan your journey to reduce anxiety and stress.
  3. Adopt a positive mental attitude - to help with frustration.
  4. Play music can reduce stress.
  5. Don't try to change other drivers attitudes, you can't but you can change your own.
  6. Be courteous and stay calm if provoked.
  7. Drive with your car doors locked and if you see trouble don't leave the safety of your vehicle.
  8. Count from 1-10 (it's old and it works!)
  9. Don't retaliate by sounding your horn, flashing your lights or gesturing, this will only aggravate the situation.
  10. If you are a victim of aggression take the registration number and report the incident to the police.

Remember it is better to get there late, than not get there at all.

Safe Driving Advice when confronted by road rage

We have shared advice on how to avoid road rage, but what do we do when another is already enraged and confronting us? We have found a few good suggestions from our road safety friends in Canada.

The Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec and CAA-Quebec urge drivers to avoid situations that can lead to confrontation.

Tips on handling situations involving aggressive drivers:

If a driver is putting pressure on you:

If possible and safe, move to the left and let the other driver pass you.

If you are faced with aggressive behaviour:

  • Stay calm.
  • Avoid eye contact with the aggressive driver so as not to exacerbate the situation.
  • Do not respond to provocative words or actions.
  • Do not respond to disrespectful words or actions.
  • Do what you can to avoid conflict.

If an aggressive person leaves his vehicle and heads toward you:

  • Remain in your vehicle, make sure the windows are shut and doors locked.
  • Avoid arguing with the aggressive driver, looking at the person or making provocative gestures.
  • Leave the area and go to a place where you can get help.
  • Do not go home if the aggressive driver is following you.
  • If you’re in traffic and can’t drive away, pick up your cellphone and show the person you are calling the Police
  • If the person doesn’t back off, honk your horn to attract the attention of other drivers.
  • Note the make of the other driver’s car and his or her license plate.

Also View:

Mental Health and Driver Fitness


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